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Except for the specified exceptions (copyright of third parties and affiliates), the entire content of the website, including images, graphics, photographs, texts, services and all the files on this site, are intellectual property, trademarks and service marks of the website are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions. Therefore, none of them may be wholly or partially sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished or "loaded", transmitted or distributed in any way.
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The contents of the website provided "as it is" with no warranty expressed or implied in any way. To the fullest extent under the law, the operators of the website refuse all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, those which involve the merchantability and suitability for a particular purpose.
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The administrators of do not control the availability, content, policy of protection of personal data, the quality and completeness of other web sites and pages referred in this site via "links", hyperlinks or advertising banners . So for any problem occur during the visit / use should be addressed directly to the respective web sites and pages, which bear the responsibility for the provision of their services. Administrators website in no way are deemed to embrace or accept the contents or services of web sites and pages referred to or linked to them in any other way.
This site provides to visitors / users electronic commerce services in accordance with the specific terms expressed and respecting the privacy of personal information submitted on the use of these services. Administrators of are not responsible for the quality of goods acquired through e-commerce services and the transaction commits only the visitor / user and the provider of goods. Therefore, there is no way this website or managers are involved in the court dispute arising from this transaction. Finally, the user's signature at the receipt of the goods, acquired through this website, indicates that the products received are in accordance with the order of the customer / visitor / user. In case the order was sent incorrectly, the customer should not sign under any circumstances and the products should be return to the headquarters diveshop, the expenses are responsibility of the diveshop.
Applicable law and other conditions
These terms and conditions of use of the website delfino, and any amendments, changes or alterations, are governed and supplemented by Greek law, the law of the EU and the relevant international treaties. Any provision of these terms that are against the law, ceases to apply and is removed from the present, without in any way affect the validity of other conditions. This constitutes the entire agreement between the website and the visitor / user of the pages and services and binds only them. No modification of these conditions or a part of that agreement shall be taken into account, unless it’s expressed in writing and incorporated in it.
How do I confirm the identity and security of the commercial site I visit?
An online store that ensures the safety of its customers will use and list explicitly all the necessary safety systems. It will also provide the necessary information to verify its identity. Before proceeding with your transaction carefully check the website for the identity and the security systems being used.
You can learn about the "identity" of the online web-store you visit by seeking through the Internet registries (eg international data base or Greek data base ). There you will find out who exactly has established this online store, i.e. Who is the real owner. You can also search for the existence of a special mark on the site proving its identity. Yet, before you make any purchases, it would be useful to contact by phone the physical store (an obligation to be indicated in the site) to see if it really is the store you have selected.
In terms of safety, an online store should use a series of "safety systems" to ensure the security of transactions, such as:
A digital identity (digital ID) from a recognized certification body (digital identities confirm the identity of the trader). A security protocol (eg, Secure Socket Layer - SSL, ή Secure Electronic Transaction - SEΤ). A secure connection. Before providing the details of your credit card verify that you are using a secure connection by noticing on your screen in the web address area the symbol https: //. The presence of this symbol provides additional security.
Tests for safety and reliability of the shop must be made regardless of whether our access to the Internet is done by computer, mobile phone (e.g. WAP) or interactive television. Furthermore, we must bear in mind that purchases via mobile phones of this generation introduce a different level of risk due to the wireless transmission so you should try to be informed about the security of electronic commerce services of this type.
Can I trust the details of my credit card on the Internet?
Many hesitate to give the number of their credit card to an online store even if it’s well known. This hesitation is mainly psychological since there are several things that someone should keep an eye on, but the rumor grown about an enormous security problem does not reflect reality. As shown by international experience, a small percentage of frauds with cards, are related to online transactions. Today, online stores, by encrypting the data (including the adoption of digital signatures in the near future), have significantly reduced cases of online fraud. Even in the unlikely case that you notice a transaction on your credit debit card that you didn’t do, you have the right to contact the bank that issued your credit card and ask to cancel this transaction. The bank is obliged to investigate your complaint and then to act in a way similar to the one it would do at a contractual transaction. If your request is justified, they will refund your money. But attention: Your request for cancellation of the charge should be made within a reasonable time (specified in the contract that you made with the operator of the credit card). Therefore you should necessarily check carefully the monthly statements of your card (this advice applies to all transactions you make with a credit card, electronic or otherwise).
If you, however, continue to be cautious giving the details of your credit card, you can proceed with the transaction by asking to pay with alternative means, such as the delivery or transmission of your card number by fax to an authorized office of the company. You can even contact your bank and ask about the new credit limited debit cards, a product that will soon be released in the Greek market as well.
What personal data do I have the right to preserve from any use?
The regulations concerning the protection of personal data are applied to the network environment too. Personal data is not a "free commodity". The collection and processing is permitted only if it is needed for the transaction and the extent of it is necessary, appropriate and related to or with the purpose of the transaction. Personal data should only be used for the purpose of which they are collected for and retained only as long as necessary for the purposes of the transaction. The collection and processing of personal data can be a part of a particular transaction only with your consent, after you’ve been informed about the purpose, categories of data etc .. Your prior consent is required also if the online store or online business wants to transmit data about you to third parties. Please be aware that each visit to an online store and every transaction leaves digital traces. These digital traces are often used to create a consumer profile. The collection of such data by technologies like cookies unknowingly without your consent, constitutes a violation of the law. Additionally, you can choose to remain anonymous during browsing the online store or by doing the transaction (to the extent that it may be possible in the implementation of the transaction).
And what happens if I finally receive something I did not expected?
Any purchase over the Internet falls under the provisions of the laws on consumer protection (Law 2251/94). This means that you have the right to return the product (in the condition you received it) or the purchased service even, in most cases, without giving explanation. For goods the time limit is within the ten (10) working days from the date of them (without opening the packaging, in accordance with the special arrangements for specific product categories), and for services, from the date of receipt of the documents that inform you that the purchase agreement was concluded. It should be noted that with regard to financial services, subject to the adoption of a Directive at Community level for the distance marketing of such services. According to the existing Directive 97/7 / EC on the protection of consumers in respect of distance contracts, explicitly excluded from the scope of contracts for financial services.
They say that the legal framework for electronic commerce in Greece has not yet been created. Finally are there any laws that protect me?
Yes, there are. E-commerce is itself a form of trade and therefore apply to it all the Community directives (Community law) and the national provisions on consumer protection related to the trade in general. For example, the Law 2251/94 mentioned above for the "Consumer Protection" contains provisions on distance contracts (Article 4) to be applied in the case of electronic commerce.
As regards the personal data, there is a framework of binding rules established by law no. 2472/97 (to protect the individual from the processing of personal data) and law no. 2774/99 (on protection of personal data in the telecommunications sector) . You can read these laws online at the Data Protection Authority (
The dealing with issues that arise from the illegal use of the Internet today is with the legal provisions covering traditional trade while there are also in use the special laws on telecommunications (N. 2246/1994).
And when I buy from abroad? What should I be aware of? What laws protect me?
There is not yet a coherent legislative-regulatory framework for electronic commerce, applicable to all countries. A consumer, when buying from outside the EU before making any purchase, should seek for the information available to the trader in the e-shop. He may ask the dealer for more information, if those are not satisfy him. He should prefer online stores that have the approval or certification of known public or private organizations.
This information must include the following:
True identity of the trader (name, geographical address, etc ..) How to contact the trader electronically and traditionally (email-email, fax, telephone, etc ..). Final price for the product or service (taxes, shipping costs, etc ..). Product warranty. Shipping method and delivery time, repudiation, payment method and delivery, etc .. How to cancel the order in case of error or change of mind. Confirmation of receipt of the order. Information about protection of personal data (if after the transaction, the trader will delete the items from his list, if not go to an other companies, etc ..) Where he addresses his complaints. If something goes wrong (eg late delivery or no delivery.) How the product will be returned, additional costs for the return, etc ..) Which court has jurisdiction and which law will apply to their case.
A customer of the EU countries can turn to the court of his domicile in case of a dispute arising with foreign trader or company. (Article 15c of the Regulation revised the Brussels Convention on jurisdiction, CEC L 012, 16/01/2001, to be applied in the near future). The law to be applied by the court is determined by the Rome Convention (ATC C 1997), in most cases it's the law of the consumer's country, as well as the Instructions for consumer's
protection and the mandatory rules which are applicable under Greek law. Very soon the majority of European Union countries will have the opportunity to dispute resolution that arise from e-commerce at national and cross-border level. This system (EU-NET) will result the avoidance of court costs and faster resolution of the disputes.
Where can I turn to if I have any problem with an online store?
Depending on the nature of the problem encountered please contact:
Firstly, the shop where you did the purchase. In the professional association representing the merchant industry. In the Chamber of the shop. In the consumer protection service of the Ministry of Development (tel. Line 1720). The committees 'amicable settlement' in the Prefectures of Greece. To the customer service or the issuing Bank Division from which you got your credit card. The Banking Ombudsman (tel. 210-3376700). In the Data Protection Authority (tel. 210-3352602-5). On Consumer Associations. There are 44 throughout Greece. Mentioned below are the four biggest: ONE HUNDRED (tel. 2310-857007 or 2310-866800) EKPIZO (tel. 210-3304444), INRA (tel. 210-9829152 or 210-9888937) KEPKA (tel. 2310-269449). In the Ombudsman (tel. 210-7283664). And of course ... to your lawyer.
Having read the above, can I now trust you and buy whatever I want from any online store?
The Decalogue tips on what to look for and who to contact, cannot cover all situations and substitute in any way the convention you will conclude with the online store for this market. You should carefully look at the terms of the contract in any market you will enter into, which should be clearly indicated. It is important to carefully read the trading conditions and not easily give your consent (by clicking Agree / Agree the contract).
Where can I learn more about the above points?
There are sources of information on the Internet where you can learn about your rights, the security and protection of your personal data and the legal regime governing electronic transactions both in Greece and abroad. For example the website: the Greek Consumer Organizations :,,, pan-European consumer organizations. Illustration:,, the Data Protection Authority in order to learn more about the rights concerning your personal data the Greek e-Business Forum the National Confederation of Greek Commerce (ESEE) and the Commercial and Industrial Chamber of Athens.